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Parentune - Nutrition Corner

Parentune - Nutrition Corner is a focused section for you to get advice from Parentune Experts with respect to the right Nutrition for your child. Keeping in line with our endeavor to bring about a quality shift in Child Development, we have started this section called Nutrition Corner.

Friday, 15 November 2013

Parenting blogs

Most of us spend too much time on what is urgent and not enough time on what is important - Stephen Covey 

My day starts at 6.00 in the morning and ends at 11.30 or sometimes 12.00 in the night. There are a million things that I have to do every day in order to provide and be the best for my child. There are times that I feel there are not enough hours in a day to do all that I want for my princess, and I am sure most of us have thought the same, one time or other. while writing this parernting blog I decided it was time that I took a few minutes off and actually strategize on how I can do more for my child while I had the same number of hours available to do it.   Following are some of the facts and realizations that I came to in my process: 

1.Verbal Acknowledgement and Appreciation of oneself: As part of effective parenting, we appreciate and acknowledge our children, their successes and achievements. We live our dreams through our children and in the process forget who we are and what we do for them. Through this parenting blog I would like to say, we should seldom stop and appreciate the efforts that we put in and give ourselves a pat on the back for a Job well done. It is very important to realize that we are doing the best that we can and acknowledge the great efforts that we are putting in, believe me it is an uplifting feeling.  

2.Having  positive thoughts and attitude: Someone a long ago told me, children are like sponges, and they are constantly absorbing information, attitude and vibrations from us. I think half our job in parenting is taken care of if we have positive thought and attitude. Once our children see the optimistic and progressive approach that we have towards life in totality it has a cascading effect and they in turn learn to be optimistic which in turn boosts their self-esteem. 

3.Asking for help and support: In the times that we are today, it is extremely important to have a support system when it comes to Parenting. I myself live in a nuclear family with no extended family for support but I have managed to create my surrogate family, which includes close neighbors and friends. There was a time that I would not ask for help from anyone come what may, but slowly I realized it just was not working out. Once I embraced the reality and decided to be open and trusting I realized as parents we were able to do so much more for our child. With this parenting blogs I urge my fellow parents to take a breath , stop and smell the roses, see the silver lining … be a Happy Parent to raise Happy Children.